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How to Prepare Your Home for a Storm

Father and sun running through the rain

The residents of Washington are no strangers to rain or storm season, and while the summer is usually dry, it doesn’t mean you should let your storm guard down. There’s so much to do when it comes to preparing yourself and your home for storms, so keep reading for our helpful tips.

Emergency Kit

While keeping your roof and your home safe is important, the residents of your home should always come first! That’s why it is so important to have an emergency kit prepared in advance, so if you need to, you can just grab it and go!

Some items that every kit should include are:

  • Flashlight
  • Radio
  • Water bottles
  • Protein bars
  • Necessary medications, prescriptions, and inhalers, etc.
  • Cash (if the power goes out, establishments won’t be able to accept cards or phone payments)
  • First aid kit
  • Swiss army knife
  • Insulated blanket
  • Hygiene items (toothbrush, toilet paper, feminine products, moist towelettes, garbage bags, etc.)
  • Solar cell phone charger

This list is abbreviated, and we could include so much more if we had space, but these are some of the essential items. For a more detailed breakdown of items to include in your emergency kit, check out this link.

Remove Debris

Before the wind kicks in, it’s essential to remove all loose debris and low-hanging branches from surrounding trees. All of those loose pieces can later be used as ammo against your home when the winds pick up. The last thing you want is to see a tree branch crash through your roof or window. Not only will this cause immediate damage, but also water damage as the rain now has direct access to the interior of your home.

Clear Your Gutters

Keeping your gutters free of debris is another critical step in storm preparation. The purpose of your gutters is to direct the flow of water away from the sides and foundation of your home. If the gutters get clogged, then the water has no alternative to flowing down the sides of your home and pooling at the foundation.

Cleaning your gutters should be a part of your routine home maintenance, but it should especially be a part of your storm preparedness. Make sure to clean the gutters out before the storm and after to collect any debris that is blown in by the wind.

Protect Valuables and Documents

Do you have a water and fireproof safe at home? If not, you should invest in one now! Before a storm begins, collect all of your valuable jewelry, heirlooms, and important documents like insurance papers, birth certificates, etc., and put them into the safe. This will ensure that they are protected even if your home does sustain damage.

Create a Plan

If the storm is so bad that you cannot stay inside of your home, then come up with a plan in advance of what the family should do and where everyone should meet up. Having this planned in advance takes the guesswork out of it and eliminates the need to rely on cell phones for communication. This is especially useful since cell towers often go down in storms.

Do you need help preparing your home for storm season? Or has your home sustained damage in a reason storm? Contact our team for assistance and more information about how we can help! Visit our website or give us a call at .

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